Forces and motion investigation – friction.

Tuesday, 15 May: Investigation 2 – Does friction influence the speed of a moving object?

After our short input lesson today on this investigation I would like you to consider what and how you are going to do your investigation.

Type of friction I am investigating?

  • Air resitance and/or
  • Surface friction between the object and surface of the track the object is moving on.

What materials will I need for my investigation?

Please bring along the materials you would need (toy car, small ball etc) or like to test in your investigation.

Forces and Motion Investigation

Practical investigations started today in Science exploring the world of gravity, motion and speed. 

 Investigation 1 – The relationship between mass and speed. 

Keywords: mass, weight, motion, speed, acceleration, gravity, force, Newton, potential (stored) and kinetic (movement) energy. 

Guiding question: Does the mass of a moving object influence its speed?

Area of focus: Knowledge and learning